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The Bhagavad-Gita

The Song Divine

Gita Press, Gorakhpur
Typed and edited by: Ray Harrilla
Notes added by: Ray Harrilla
Web Page Editing by: Burnard Brady

The Bhagavadgita, one of the Indian Vedas. The word, "Bhagavad", means God or Inner Self, and the word "gita" means song. It's one of the Hindu bibles.

This story has to do with a battle, there are basically only four characters in the whole book, two main characters; Krisna and Arjuna. Krisna is equivilant to Christ, and Arjuna is a great general (like Napolean, McCarther, Patten, etc.) - Its important to get a basic outline to the book.

The other two players are: The King, and his servant who is a seer. We'll call him the Seer, who explains to the king what is going on in the distant battle, through psychic powers. (These two characters play only a minor role in the book).

Now, Arjuna being a General of the army has a driver of his chariot, just like generals of today. The driver could be a corporal, sergeant or some other rank. The general sits in the back and the driver in front.

Well, it so happens that the driver is Krisna, Arjuna's spiritual teacher- though only Arjuna and Krisna know this. And just like when a general pulls up in his Limo, the driver gets out and opens the door, etc. No one notices the driver, they're busy checking out the General. Meaning Krisna holds the lowly position in everyone's eyes but Arjuna, who knows who Krisna really is.

Arjuna has won many battles and is very renown in his time.

Now in the old days, when they used chariots etc. for battle, the arena for the battle-field would be that both armies would position themselves on top of separate hills, where they could watch the combat area below in the valley. The armies would array themselves into position on each hill in readiness for the start of the fight.

Prior to the commencement of the battle the generals would direct their chariot down into the valley and salute the opposing general, out of respect towards each other, but in reality would really be checking the enemies strengths and weaknesses. This way they could reposition their troops accordingly.

The battle that you will be reading about really pertains to the constant battle within our selves. The names etc. represent different nerves, ganglia, synapsis, etc. within the body. The Bhagavad gita also represents the seventh book of the Tarot called the Chariot (Major Arcana), and more. Very important story.

Prior to going into battle Krisna has told Arjuna to have no fear, for Arjuna has already won this battle. Krisna knows the outcome, and wishes to ease Arjuna's mind, for the things to come.

Sri means a title of respect, like sir in English. Also, think of the various names as relatives, friends, enemies, teachers, locations, and things.

For deep thinkers, they may also be consider nerves and feelings within the body.

The Bhagavad-Gita


"The Yoga of Dejection of Arjuna."

The King said:

1 Seer, assembled on the holy field of Kuruksetra, eager to fight, what did my children and the children of Pandu do?

The Seer said:

2 At that time, seeing the army of Pandavas drawn up for battle and approaching Dronacharya, Prince Duryodhana spoke these words:

3 "Behold, Master, the mighty army of the sons of Pandu arrayed for battle by your talented pupil, Dhrstadyumna, the son of Drupada.

4 "There are in this army heroes wielding mighty bows and equal in military prowess to Bhima and Arjuna, such as Satyaki and Virata, and the Maharathi (great car-warrior) Drupada;

5 Dhrstaketu, Chekitana and the valiant King of Kasi, and Purujit, Kuntibhoja and Saibya, the best of men;

6 "And mighty Yudhamanyu, and valiant Uttamauja, Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra, and the five sons of Draupadi, - all of them Maharathis (great car-warriors).

7 "O best of Brahmans, know them also who are the principal warriors on our side, the generals of my army. For your informa­tion, I mention them below:-

8 "Yourself and Bhisma and Karna and Krpa, who is ever victoriousin battle; and even so Aswatthama, Vikarna, and Bhurisrava, the son of Somadatta;

9 "And many other heroes, equipped with various weapons and missiles, who have staked their lives for me, all skilled in warfare.

10 "This army of ours, fully protected by Bhisma, is uncon­querable; while that army of theirs, guarded in every way by Bhima, is easy to conquer.

11 "Therefore, stationed in your respective positions on all fronts, do you all guard Bhisma in particular on all sides."

12 The grand old man of the Kaurava race, their glorious grand­uncle Bhisma, cheering up Duryodhana, roared terribly like a lion and blew his conch.

13 Then conches, kettledrums, tabors, drums, and trumpets suddenly blared forth and the noise was tumultuous.

14 Then, seated in a glorious chariot drawn by white horses, Sri Krisna as well as Arjuna blew their celestial conches.

15 Sri Krisna blew His conch named Panchajanya; Arjuna, his conch called Devadatta; while Bhima of terrible deeds blew his mighty conch Paundra.

16 King Yudhisthira, son of Kunti, blew his conch Anantavijaya; while Nakula and Sahadeva blew theirs, the Sughosa and Manipuspaka respectively.

17 And the King of Kasi, the excellent archer, and Sikhandi, the Maharathi, Dhrstadyumana and Virata and invincible Satyaki did likewise.

18 O lord of the earth, Drupada as well as the five sons of Draupadi, and the mighty-armed Abhimanyu, son of Subhadra, all of them severally blew their respective conches.

19 And the terrible sound, echoing through heaven and the earth, rent the hearts of Dhrtarastra's sons.

20,21 Now, O lord of the earth, seeing your sons arrayed against him, and when missiles were ready to be hurled, Arjuna, son of Pandu, took up his bow and then addressed the following words to Sri Krisna: "Krisna, place my chariot between the two armies.

22 "And keep it there till I have carefully observed these warriors drawn up for battle, and have seen with whom I have to engage myself in this fight".

23 "I shall scan the well-wishers in this war of evil-minded Duryodhana, who have assembled here and are ready for the fight."

The Seer said -

24,25 O king, thus addressed by Arjuna, Sri Krisna placed the magnificent chariot between the two armies in front of Bhisma, Drona and all the kings, and said,"Arjuna, behold these Kauravas assembled here."

26-29 Now Arjuna saw stationed there in both the armies his uncles and granduncles, teachers, maternal uncles, brothers and cousins, sons and grandsons, friends, father-in-law, and well- wishers as well. Seeing all those relations present there, he was possessed by extreme compassion, and uttered these words in sadness.

Arjuna said -

Krisna, at the sight of these kinsman thus arrayed and longing for battle my limbs give way, and my mouth is parched: nay, my frame shakes and hair stands on end.

30 The bow, Gandiva, drops from my hand and my skin burns all over; my mind is reeling, as it were, and I am not able even to stand.

31 And, Kesava, I see the omens also inauspicious; nor do I see any good in killing my kith and kin in battle.

32 Krisna, I covet not victory, nor kingdom, nor pleasure. Govinda, of what use will kingdom, or luxuries, or even life be to us?

33,34 Those for whose sake we covet the throne, luxuries and pleasure,- teachers, uncles, sons and even to granduncles, mater¬nal uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons, brothers-in law and other relations,- are here arrayed on the battle field staking their lives and riches.

35 Krisna, I do not want to kill them, though they may kill me, even for the sovereignty of the three worlds; how, then, for this earth.

36 Krisna, what joy can we derive through slaying the sons of Dhrtarastra? Sin alone will accrue to us as the result of killing these desperadoes.

37 Therefore, Krisna, it does not behove us to kill our relations, the sons of Dhrtarastra. For how shall we be happy after killing our own kinsman?

38,39 Although these people, with minds blinded by greed, do not perceive the evil of destruction on one's own race and the sin accruing from enmity towards friends; why should not we, O Krisna, who see clearly the sin involved in the destruction of one's family, think of turning away from this crime?

40 Age-long family traditions disappear with the destruction of a family; and virtue having been lost, sin takes hold of the entire family.

41 With the preponderance of vice, Krisna, the women of the family become corrupt; and with the corruption of women, O Varsneya (descendant of Vishnu), there ensues an intermixture of castes.

42 Intermixture of castes leads the destroyers of the race as well as the race itself to hell. Deprived of the offerings of lumps of rice and water, the manes of their race also fall.

43 Through these evils bringing about an intermixture of castes, the age-long castes-traditions and family-customs of the destroyers of the race get extinct.

44 Krisna, we hear that men who have lost their family- traditions dwell in hell for an indefinite period of time.

45 Alas! Though possessed of intelligence we have set our minds on the commission of a great sin in that due to lust for throne and enjoyment we are intent on killing our own kinsman.

46 It would be better for me if the sons of Dhrtarastra, armed with weapons, killed me in battle while I was unarmed and unresisting.

The Seer said -

47 Arjuna, with his mind agitated by grief on the battle- field, having spoken thus, and having laid down his bow and arrows, sank into the hinder part of his chariot.

Thus, ends the first chapter entitled "The Yoga of Dejection of Arjuna."

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
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